River Clyde Homes in Greenock were the first organisation of 2019 to successfully complete their Accreditation and were presented with their award by Tony Kelly.

Lesley Baird, CEO of TPAS Scotland had this to say said this is a very well-deserved Gold Accreditation award, we were very impressed with the menu of options for tenants to get involved with River Clyde Homes, their information and communication with tenants is excellent and their tenant’s scrutiny panel – the Senate- are driving forward improvements to services.   We were also impressed with the work River Clyde Homes does with schools, such as inviting ex Shipyard workers to talk to pupils about the area when it was a centre of ship building.   

The Accreditation Panel have been very busy over the past months carrying out accreditation assessments for both local authorities and individual housing associations, that wish to measure themselves against The Tenant Participation Advisory Services’ Award Scheme.  A huge congratulations must go to Fife Council and West Dunbartonshire Council, who were both made an award of the Gold Standard.  East Lothian Housing Association were also successful in retaining the Gold Standard Award.